What kind of team bonding activities do you do when your team is 100% remote?
We're a fully remote startup with people all around the globe.
So how do we do team bonding activities?
We game🎮...
We get together online for games everybody can participate in and have a discord/Zoom-like call.
It's a great way to bond and has some fun.
Plus, for a startup like us, it's a great way to talk about other stuff than work and it's a lot cheaper than having to fly everyone out for a treat, which means we can do it more often.
We've been doing this for a while now and it's been working really well for us.
Some of us even play together in our "spare time" which really has improved our relations.
I would love to get some importation and hear any of your experiences with team activities for a remote team?
Have you tried playing JackBox games with your team?
No!! What a great idea!! totally forgot about JackBox.
Hey @jaythecreator! I’m Bobby with the Indie Hackers team.
I’m reaching out to founders to see if they may be interested in sharing their personal stories with a wider audience on Indie Hackers. Would you be interested in telling us a bit more about your indie journey, Tabtimize, or any lessons you've learned thus far?
Other story examples may be personal challenges, career moves, failures, unexpected successes, team dynamics, etc.
I’ll help edit the piece and boost its placement on the site to get more eyeballs. If it does particularly well, it may be featured in our 85K+ email list.
If you’re interested, just share your preferred email and I'll send info. Thanks!
Just make sure you set some ground rules about content for the more freestyle games as it often goes a bit rude after a while especially after drinks!
haha, alright, will keep that in mind :-D
Trivia/Group trivia has worked well for us.
Crowdpurr offers a trivia platform where users can pick which group to join upon entry to the room (web-based, users join via phones typically).
The organizer creates the group names (fun conversation points later), and the users join without knowing who or how many people are in a group (fun conversation point later when 99% of the company joins "Marvel Fanclub" and John sits on his lonesome in "DC Comics Readers"), and the organizer creates all the questions and associated images so you can get as bespoke as you like.
You can do rounds of questions, show the scoreboard per-group or individual after each round, or save the fun for the end.
A lot of manual effort in the initial setup of questions/answers though!
Oh, that sounds fun! - Will definitely look it up, thanks!
Try playing AmongUs .. really fun