Shameless Request - Upvote on ProductHunt

I've recently received a pleasant surprise due to good traffic from ProductHunt after some nice people upvoting our product, would you kindly consider checking us out there and upvoting us? thanks so much! - https://www.producthunt.com/search?q=leadflare

posted to Icon for group Growth
on May 19, 2020
  1. 1

    Upvoted your product! I'm launching on the 26th. Would super appreciate an upvote back.

    Here is my PH profile :) https://www.producthunt.com/@matthieu_gavaudan

    1. 1

      of course, thanks so much. don't forget to try our product out too. get free leads :)

  2. 1

    Direct request to help out a fellow IndieHacker?

    I LIKE IT! Here's my upvote (done for you mate on PH)


    David from The Other WorkSpace

    1. 2

      Thank you so much David! Really appreciate it. How about some free leads to grow your business ;) - https://leadflare.app

      1. 1

        Hey @parrylee, you're a good salesman! :)

        How about we talk through email? Drop me an email (it's on my profile) and we can have a chat about it! I'm not sure I get the complete message based on your website! (sorry :/ )



      1. 1

        Done, all the best. Will PM you on email. Cheers!

        1. 1

          Got the notification about your email at exact same time as I saw and opened it! Haha talk to you there then! :)



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