Should I keep building this? Free socia media post creator

I wanted to learn React so I took this as a project just to learn it. Didn't try to validate or do any kind of study to see if there was a need for this (since it was just for learning), but now I'm asking myself if anyone would be interested in it.

https://gfxdepot.com makes it really easy to create posts that look the same for all social networks.

I limited the features and stuff that can be modified in order to make it simpler as there are other more complete apps out there.

Do you think it's worth to add more features and designs to this? Would anyone be interested in it?

posted to Icon for group Ideas and Validation
Ideas and Validation
on May 30, 2020
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    @esteban89 In a past life I tried to launch a daily gratitude app (it's still on iOS and it's called "Grattitude" lol... think gratitude + attitude). In any case I spent about 30 minutes a day taking gratitudes and reformatting them for FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and it... was... a... pain... in... the... neck.

    I like what you did!

    Could you make this a Hootsuite integration so I can create content with you and automatically post it on Hootsuite to all my social media feeds on a certain schedule?


    Co-founder of CRUU, the best darned React development tool ever invented by humanity this week.

  2. 1

    Hi Esteban! I love this :D
    -you should add new features by researching on the current popular tools (Canva etc) and what features are most used over there. Back calculate what else you need to do to make this a one-stop shop for designing image posts on social media. Start building this, you could probably monetise in a freemium model.
    -Another monetisation opportunity could be ad deals with trending hashtag finder, social media post scheduler, post insights calculator apps which can lead your customers to a more holistic offering as well
    -I would suggest making the name a bit less technical, more fun probably and the UI more appealing, probably start with statistics on the importance of visually appealing social media posts - the problem with many apps - how you are different - start for free. The caption could be SEO led.
    -you should also allow to download all social media posts in a zip file
    All the best!!

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