Show IH: Flashdictation

Hello everyone,

I am doing an AdventOfSaaS.
Instead of finding a gift everyday, I work on a project every day for 25 days.

This is my result after 20 days: https://www.flashdictation.com/

It is a web app to create dictations, like this: https://www.flashdictation.com/share/mTezFHPsFy8Vhbi7Y4LGbp

I have documented my progress in my page: https://kiru.io/articles/adventofsaas2021/

I am welcome about any feedback 🙏

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Show IH
on December 20, 2021
  1. 1

    Looks really cool Kiru. What made you build this app ?

    1. 2

      Saw the pain of how it's done on paper, and apart from that I use it to learn French :)

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