Social media consumption is at 20-year high, care to workshop on doing what we do to feed our inbound marketing funnel?

I'm the founder of RiteKit: four social media marketing SaaS products and an 17 endpoint API that let's you test in a Demo Dashboard (no registration or token needed) - https://ritekit.com/api-demo/ .

We feed our inbound funnel with free, organic social media and rely on our own products and the automated time-savers to do all of it.

Perhaps you've seen that social media consumption is, due to the pandemic, at a 20-year high. Might be time to get some of that for your projects, no?

I create and schedule 100% of our social posts myself. If people would be interested, I could do workshops, perhaps a couple different times, to accommodate the Americas, Europe/Africa, and easiest for me: Asia/Pacific.

Let me know if interested.

posted to Icon for group Meetups
on May 28, 2020
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