Some unconventional productivity hacks I enjoy. What are yours?

*Voice typing: I write a lot, so for texting, commenting, and task managing, I use voice typing software to dictate the keyboard what to write. Check out "Voice in Voice" in Google Store.

*Instapaper: I use this software to save articles and videos to read or watch later. Instead of letting something distract me, I just save it to Instapaper and read it later.

*Magical: I use this software for automated texts, like email responses, comment responses, invoicing, prospecting, and many more. It is a great tool.

*ClickUp: All my agency's task management goes through this software. I highly recommend it.

*Walking + Talking: If I have a phone meeting, where I don't need to do a Zoom call, I always integrate it with a walk in the neighborhood. This lets me exercise while I work.

Will share more in upcoming posts! What productivity hacks do you find helpful?

posted to Icon for group Productivity
on February 1, 2022
  1. 2

    I only have 2 productivity practices (which are quite "conventional"), these are:

    • ✅ Bullet Journal: I Use a paper notebook, as for me no app is better if I need to write down something quickly, and at the same time it has task lists, appointments, and all I need to see in one place.
    • 📥 Inbox Zero method: Every new email in my inbox is triaged and is acted on immediately, then it is either archived or deleted (I also have some project-specific folders).

    Software I also use on a daily basis include:

    • Keep (for screenshots mainly);
    • Stackedit.io (it only supports text but it is all I actually need).

    I know this is pretty boring stuff, and I am impressed with what other people use in this thread, considering to even give a try some mentioned here.

  2. 2

    For me two things come to my mind directly:

    1. Put your phone completely in another place, so that you need to go an extra step to get it e.g. basement

    Since I have the luxury to just be not reachable, I just put my phone during some days where I want to be very productive in the basement, so that its completely out of the apartment. I found out for me personal that it's the best way to be not distracted by the phone even if I have already all notifications turned off there is sometimes the feeling that I have to check something on it when its in the room...

    1. Pomodoros

    I started using the traditional pomodoros with 25mins timer with 5mins break and right now I'm doing 50mins pomodoros with 10mins breaks. These 50mins pomodoros are really a boost for productivity. For simple things/tasks or just for a litte bit variety I still use 25mins pomodoros. But no matter how long you set your pomodoro timer I would recommend everyone who haven't tried the pomodoro technique so far to try it out and compare it also without using it.

  3. 1

    Alfred & Zapier 👌

  4. 1

    I use Notion instead of instapaper. It allows me to tag and sort by subject the papers. Highly recommend

  5. 1

    Does voice in voice turn out great for you? I find normal voice reminders more straightforward to use, as it doesn't inside considerations stream.

    Instapaper - ugh, I love it, I load bunches of content P3 Consulting into it, yet never returned to it. I get it actually serves a decent goal forestalling interruptions… "I'll look at this later… " :)

    My considerations for the most part go into Google "Keep" application first and afterward rearranged in Notion or to VIM assuming that is a thought for my own blog.

  6. 1

    I'd wonder if people would get annoyed of hearing all the cars buzzing by on walk&talks 😂
    As far as software goes:
    •  Rocket by Matthew Palmer 👉 quickly add emojis to anything I'm writing.
    • Spectacle 👉 use keyboard shortcuts to speedily manipulate screen widths and placements

  7. 1

    Using chat app (telegram) as task manager and remember lists.

  8. 1

    Does voice in voice work good for you? I find regular voice memos easier to use, as it doesn’t interior thoughts flow.

    Instapaper - ugh, I love it, I load lots of content into it, but almost never come back to it. I guess it still serves a good cause preventing distractions… “I’ll check this out later…” :)

    My thoughts mostly go into Google “Keep” app first and then reorganized in Notion or to VIM if that’s an idea for my personal blog.

  9. 1
    • When I'm feeling distracted or can't focus I've been using a pomodoro timer. Once I hit that timer I feel really bad if I try and do anything other than the task at hand. A few rounds of that and I'm back on track.

    • When I finish my day, I spend the last 5 minutes organizing my tasks and writing notes about what I need to do the next day. This way, I can sit down the next morning with my tea and just get moving!

  10. 1

    OOO. I love walking + talking. I don't know why I never did that. I'll try it :)

    For me, it's 3 hours of deep work first thing in the morning. I use my own productivity app (https://thesidekick.app/) to schedule these sessions and block distracting sites - which created the classical conditioning that sidekick means deep work.

  11. 1

    For me, it's easy to be motivated to work on things that I want to work on.

    Unfortunately, though, there's always aspects of any business that fall under the "I really just don't want to deal with that" category.

    To psyche myself up to dive into those types of tasks, I do sort of a Pomodoro-inspired mind trick: I tell myself that I will just work on it for 20 minutes. The key difference between my approach and Pomodoro: I don't set a timer.

    I can usually convince myself to do something for 20 minutes, and 20 minutes is normally enough time to get into a flow and just finish up the entire task before I realize the 20 minutes ended 30 minutes ago.

  12. 1

    The voice typing one turned out to be actually great and i should definitly try Instapaper !!

    For me, the best productivity hack i've come across and that i use daily is Forest. It just helps when you are slacking and it acts as a trigger to work.

    Whenever i want to work and put in some time, i just open the app and i feel the "work vibe" coming up.

  13. 1

    I need to check out Magical!

    For me, it's identifying my top priorities for the week and doing that for 1-2 hours in the morning BEFORE checking my email, texts, and getting back to people.

    Another may be counter-intuitive - I spend 45 minutes every morning doing morning pages and journaling. It is a lot of time, but I process negative emotions, get myself hyped up, and think about business problems through the pages. When it comes to work time, I hit the ground running.

    1. 1

      Love this. Also, taking time to write is super valuable.

  14. 1

    This was pretty helpful. I'll be sure to use it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. 2

      I am so happy you found this helpful!

  15. 1

    The last one was a really big game-changer for me. It is so refreshing to take a walk outside without the guilt of losing valuable working time. By now I get 10k steps a day easily with this technique

    1. 1

      Happy it works for you!

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