Project: https://amicu.app/ - Reminders to keep in touch with the people you know.
I had a longer call with a user, which was quite insightful. Some things need better explanation as it's not immediately clear. I will work on this from Monday.
Yesterday's progress:
- Reply to some emails
- Start brainstorming RLL content
- Write down differentiators and pricing ideas
- Research channels
Today's progress:
- Run 9k and listen to IH Podcast
- Cycle 38k and listen to IH Podcast
- Phone call with a user
Tomorrow's progress:
- Continue with the RLL
- Go through notes from the conversation
- Call with another person
- Ask for landing page feedback in PH
- Go through landing page issue backlog
How do you get in touch with users? Are these people that already signed up for your app?
I reach out to users, where I know the contact details (signed up for mailing list, we talked in some other channel etc) or they reached out to me.
The word users applies that they already use my app right. The other thing would be potential users / target groups.