Hey everyone!
Last summer I took some time off from my job, and decided to make something with some of the time I had.
Long story short, I bit off way more than I could chew (I know, I know, a very obvious mistake...).
I sat down two days ago to continue work and realised I just wasn't enjoying it anymore. I kept coming up against tricky problems I've never tackled before (as a designer turned coder), and it was wearing me down.
Just then my friend forwarded a thank you message for a gift - over Christmas I had helped her design a 'definition poster' for her godchild.
Inspiration struck, and I realised that I could use lots of what I've coded to create a dictionary definition poster generator. Now, this is the kind of idea I'd have passed up as being too small / silly / not cool enough - but I felt really energised knowing it was something I could achieve.
I've spent yesterday and this morning coding, and have a very minimal MVP ready at definitiontemplate.com. It's a bit buggy, and I'm still figuring out a lot of stuff. But feeling good to have shipped something tangible!
Is anybody else 'starting small' in 2022?
Congratulations buddy! It will be big soon! I just launched my personal website.
Thanks :)
I'm starting small myself! What I've started to do is dive deeper into CSS animation. I've started by making small hover transitions over buttons and have started to dive deeper into it by incorporating JavaScript.
Starting small is the best, because you can just do more each day and watch the benefits compounding.
One thing no one talks about is how important it is to do something everyday and keep growing. Even if its small, those small steps build. Then you look back, and there's a mile of distance behind you.
Totally agree! I've surprised myself by how fast I could put together that MVP, which is only because of all the little bits of practice over the years. It all compounds
Good step.
Idea is important but execution is the key!
Thanks! Is there anything about the execution you think I could improve?
Don't give up, take care of your little plant, and have fun.
Whether you fail or succeed, the first step is needed.
Congratulations that you made your first step today!!
Thank you!
I've already had a few ideas to build on it. Re. Fail or succeed, it makes me think of that Y combinator quote - 'the biggest thing you can do to succeed is not give up'.
Congratulations! It's always a good feeling to get something out there.
Thanks! Appreciate it :)
It really is a great feeling - now I need to not get carried away and burn out... going to go eat some dinner and shut VS Code