The results:
100% agreed to talk to me. Thirty agreed to pay $50 / mo. Zero asked for any money. I was respectful. And they were happy to help
Before I had a company name, before I had a powerpoint presentation, before I had any employees, before I had a server, before I had anything, I already had 30 customers willing to pay.
— Jason Cohen
I couldn't share this and not link Jason's talk. It's awesome.
PS — If you'd like more short sweet tips in you inbox please do join my newsletter.
Or hundreds more examples up on my site — Marketing Examples
So so good! Thank you Harry. His interview on the Indie Hackers podcast (episode #88) was also brilliant. I loved the idea around listing assumptions about your customers and then finding ways to test of those are true. I'm currently working through that process for a new idea :)
ahh i haven't listened to that one i don't think. will check it out :)
and pleasure. good luck
This is so apt and straight to the point!
I see a Marketing Examples post by Harry, I get excited.
This is great, really concise.
My next question would probably be where did he get the leads? They must have been good quality leads to get replies from 100% of them.
This is so cool Harry. So many cool ways to start getting customers and building an audience before you start spending money....sounds like a good blog post theme ;)
OMG, this talk is so useful! Lots of insight and experience in just and hour. The B2B and B2C thing clearly striked me – didn't notice that so much of online businesses and SaaS products are B2B. Crazy stuff
I love this. Thank you!