This week in Micro SaaS - $15K MRR with Status Pages

As a part of my weekly Micro SaaS Ideas Newsletter, I send a small section every week with news updates around Micro SaaS.

(2 min read)

  1. Our Micro SaaS HQ Pro member Lynn Lin and her team launched WeShop AI , 10x Model & Product Photos with AI Studio.
  2. Baptiste Arnaud crossed $13K MRR with Typebot. Read his earlier interview on FounderBeats
  3. ImprovMX, a tool for receiving and sending emails with custom domain name by Cyril and Antoine, reaches $19K in monthly revenue
  4. Al Salah reached 15K MRR with instatus.com, a tool to create status pages.
  5. Goutham Jay crossed $700 MRR today with famewall.io. See Goutham’s earlier interview on FounderBeats
  6. Maciej Cupial crosses $8K MRR with Calendesk.com, an appointment scheduling software built for businesses
  7. Spell.so by Rafal hits $1K MRR
  8. Marc Lou crosses $1500 MRR with Indie Page, Linktree for entrepreneurs
posted to Icon for group Bootstrapped
on July 10, 2023
  1. 2

    Hey, I just saw this, but thank you for featuring Instatus :D

  2. 2

    Wow, nice job! I just subscribed to the newsletter 👆

    1. 1

      Thankyou. It's gonna be fun and saves you a lot of hours and keeps you connected to the SaaS ecosystem with our weekly news as well!!

  3. 2

    Great stuff as usual!

    1. 1

      Thankyou. It takes me considerable amount of time to make this post every week and comments like these keep me going!! Thankyou again.

  4. 2

    you're doing really well

    1. 1

      Thankyou. Hope it helps more people.

  5. 1

    It's great people are bootstrapping the startups and getting some great numbers.

    We are also bootstrapping promptsense.co and expecting numbers.

    1. 1

      Nice to see that!!

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