Making your product available to more people can boost revenue, even if they're paying less. Be more inclusive and increase sales by offering discounts to people in countries whose currencies have less purchasing power.
Incorporating purchasing power parity into your pricing essentially means providing discounts to people who live in areas where your usual price might be prohibitive. It's a great way to make your product accessible to people all over the world. @Gergely Orosz added this kind of pricing to The Tech Resume Inside Out and now it accounts for 30-40% of his sales. It's a trend that's starting to catch on, and not only because it's more inclusive. It fosters strong loyalty and high satisfaction in your customers. And it increases the number of people who are willing and able to purchase your product. Of course, there are those who will take advantage of the discounts by using VPNs. But the increase in sales should more than make up for those. And even if it doesn't, at least you're expanding your customer base. To get started, check out the Purchasing Power Parity API or tools like ParityBar.
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We added PPP to one of our products last month and saw a 15% increase in sales. People were SO excited and appreciative.
We still have some work to streamline it and add it to more products but it's one of the best things we've done all year.
That's awesome, nice work! 🙌