๐Ÿ“ฌ Want to increase Email CTR by 25%?

Want to improve CTR for transactional and promotional emails?

Follow these simple tips to create trust and increase brand value while improving email CTR.

Showing your company logo on transactional emails increases its value and increases the chance of being clicked. It also creates trust and builds the brand.

For promotional mail add your own image so it increases its value because it becomes more personal and friendly. When it's personalized and friendly, users open and act on them more.

Create Google account, Gravatar account and set profile picture!

More in this thread ๐Ÿ‘‡

posted to Icon for group Growth
on August 16, 2020
  1. 4

    This is likely to become standardised in the next few years with BIMI authentication, which Gmail is also testing.

    1. 1

      Yes, they entered into beta recently but full adoption by everyone is at least a few years away.

  2. 2

    Great thread, thanks @HaKr! Quick question โ€” where'd you get the 25% increase stat? Is that from personal experience?

    1. 2

      It was from Harry Dry of marketingexample.scom

      1. 2

        Oh cool, thanks for the info :)

        1. 1

          Hey @1hakr, I'm putting together a Growth Bite based on (and linking to) your post. I'd like to link to Harry's statistic as well but I can't seem to find it โ€” do you remember which article it was in?

          1. 1

            He replied to my tweet, not sure if he shared in any other article.

            1. 1

              Ok cool, thanks!

            2. 1

              This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

  3. 2

    Another tip: You can add a GIF as the image. Here's Failory's one.

  4. 2

    Nice tips. @1hakr I'm a Substack user, do you think this can be applied to my newsletter?

    1. 1

      Yes you should be able to apply to your newsletter.

  5. 2

    This is awesome ๐Ÿ‘ I'm using Revue to send out my newsletters at the moment. I'm going to investigate to see how I can achieve this

    1. 2

      It doesnt matter which email provider you use, just create a google account with that email address.

      1. 2

        Thanks ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  6. 2

    Thanks for the tip mate !

  7. 2

    Great Tip! Going ahead and implementing it.

  8. 2

    Great tip!

    Another way to do it is to add the sender e-mail as an "Alternate E-mail" on your Google Account settings.

    1. 2

      I believe that only covers Gmail whereas his original tip covers more clients.

  9. 2

    A simple but useful tip. Thanks for sharing @1hakr

    1. 2

      happy to share!

  10. 2

    I have set profile picture in my email account through cPanel but it doesn't show profile picture to my receiver when I send mail.

    1. 1

      Thats not what you should do. You should create a "Google Account" then set profile picture for that google account, then it will work.

  11. 2

    Can I do this with a substack email?

    1. 1

      Yes its possible with any email address

  12. 2

    I've definitely never heard of this! I was a little unsure when I read the thread - my business gsuite email does have a profile picture set up in Google - does that mean mine is already set up?

    1. 2

      Yes but it work only for the user's use Gmail client, for other email clients you should create a gravatar account.

      1. 2

        I already have a gravatar account with my profile pic - hopefully, it's working! Thanks for the tip!

  13. 1

    I definitely see better results after adding this profile image (gmail) on open rates.
    Click rates no so much yet.

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