Web form monitoring tool

Hello there.

I would like to tell you about a concept I am brainstorming now.

At my fulltime job project we have a lot of forms there with different representation. Some of them are stable but another part crashes time to time. I got an idea to monitor all these forms through 3rd party.

Its similar to:

  • end2end tesing but it is real end2end with proceeding with email and sms confirmation.
  • website monitoring but for forms

The goal

To be confident your forms work correct and you do not miss any lead.

The concept

  • Add webpage where form is located
  • Add form fields
  • Add fields validation rules
  • Add email selectors (i.e. confirmation link)
  • Schedule testing frequency
  • Runs the test in headless browser
  • Fills the fields with generated values due to validation rules
  • Submits the form
  • Get an email by API and passes through the link
  • Checks for assertion
  • Makes an report with screenshot if smth gone wrong.
  • Notifies the user.

It is example test case. It could be used widely including ecommerce checkout forms.

Do you have any thoughts ? Does the flow is too complicated for end user?
thank you.

posted to Icon for group Ideas and Validation
Ideas and Validation
on July 29, 2020
  1. 1

    I like the idea of having a simple tool similar to uptime monitoring but allowing authoring end-2-end tests as opposed to just pinging some URLs. Building https://endtest.dev

  2. 1

    Most of website monitoring providers* offer form monitoring or even transaction monitoring, where you can define entire scenario to be "played" on the monitored website.

    *There are 170+ website monitoring providers, so the market is pretty crowded.

    1. 1

      Thank you for reply.
      There is ton of productivity software and they just keep producing these simple todo lists. So, does the crowded market is a problem?

      1. 1

        Yes it is.
        Next to 170+ active website monitoring providers there is almost the same number of brands that shut down (I can include the source if you like).

        The larger is number of competitors, the harder it is to be noticed. Take Google Ads CPC alone, how it grows with a number of advertisers bidding.

        1. 1

          Good point. Thank you for information.

  3. 1

    It would seem to me that the solution to forms occasionally crashing is to fix the crashing forms, or switch to better form software. Monitoring doesn't solve the problem, it only tells you that you didn't solve any problem.

    1. 1

      Thats right. Like every monitoring tool just show you a problem faster than user find it.

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