What do you enjoy or hate while using Slack?

Hello everyone, Slack being so popular I wanted to ask the community what are the things they enjoy or hate while using Slack.

The reason I'm asking is that our multi-project management platform includes a chat function, and I want to see I can improve it to the point where it can be competitive with Slack.

So please tell me what is that makes you love or hate Slack? Do you use it online, as a program on your computer, or in a phone app?

Thank you!

posted to Icon for group Ideas and Validation
Ideas and Validation
on May 15, 2020
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    There are plenty of minor improvements that can be made, like threads suck big time, but overall it is tolerable. Plugins bots/system allows you to build quite neat workflows and I think is the best thing that slack came up with.

    That being said, I believe that the whole concept is broken. It is soooooooo easy to get lost if you step out for half a day. There are many things that can't be responded right away, but the concept of instant reply forces you to do half-ass decisions on the fly. I think one thing that can be drastically improved is some way to extract these important decisions into some slower pace conversations. That's called email and I'm waiting for someone to reinvent it again :) Or wikis.

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    My company recently started using Discord for communication.

    If you haven't - try it out. It solves the problem of voice communication in especially elegant way.

    Do you want to talk with someone? Just press push to talk.

    Do you want to talk in private with 1 person? Invite them to a separate room.

    You even get office-like chatter if you are in the room with other developers, but you can also mute everyone / leave room if you want to focus deeply.

    It's amazing. My prediction is that by the end of 2020 Slack will go in similar direction.

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      The push to talk sound like a good idea, do you use it often?

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        All the time!

        But there are still some issues. When you have push to talk on, you can't just turn on the microphone for a longer period - it requires setting change.

        Absolutely blast solution would be to have push to talk but ALSO have an option to "hold" push to talk, without actually holding a button.

        When I have to make a presentation or something, I need to switch it in settings to regular mode, which is stupid.

        Now on the other hand discord is limited compared to slack (mostly in integrations + sending files, syntax highlighting for code etc.) and in general speaking in voice AND sending text while speaking (for example code snippets).

        So I think there is a great product to be build that combines slack and discord and focuses it on being for coders.

        But you would have to be fast because I really believe slack will start to introduce those changes soon, that's why I am not making it myself. The risk is big, because by essentially adding one feature in fairly easy update slack can basically finish your business.

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    The disruption and how so many think its best to include all in every chat. I do not think that people understand what pull means.

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    Hate threads. We sometimes need or use them, but it's 1 layer deep and impossible to find anything in them.

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      Thank you @alourie, what kind of work you do? Do you use the web version or did you download the program into your computer? Trying to decide if we need to offer a downloadable version for our platform.

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        I'm a software developer, but I'm using slack all over the place, in out-of-work life as well. I'm using a local version on my desktop, but it's the same on the web.

        I used Github's discussions/issues for better "discussion" about a topic if I needed. It's a much better, async, way to discuss things, easily searchable, traceable and whatnot.

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          Thank you that helps a lot.

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