What positive developments are happening with COVID-19?

Long time lurker and absolutely love the community.

I run a SaaS but i've put together this site (https://www.justgivemepositivenews.com) as a method of trying to keep me sane in this World at the moment with COVID-19. I am constantly seeing and hearing negative stories around the virus and wanted to try and add some positivity with any developments that we may not see in the media.

This won't be monetised, it's just there for anyone who wants to see or feel some positivity, let me know if there is anything I could add or if there is anything you'd like to see on there.

posted to Icon for group Coronavirus
on March 22, 2020
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    I like this idea. Saw something like this a while ago:

    Right now there is too much uncertainty and the media and govt leaders are not doing a good enough job of explaining how we get out of this. Most narrative is either "we don't know how long this is going to take" and "it's going to be really bad". That's not helpful.

    We need sort of roadmap/ timeline that shows us how we go back to normal, and what we can do at an individual level. Maybe something like this :

    Phase 1 (Mar - Jun 2020): Bridge jobs/ list of things you can do to sustain economically for now
    Phase 2 (May - Aug 2020): Flatten the curve starts to happen, at least in the early intervention coastal states in the US which hopefully buffers the inner states somehow
    Phase 3 (Jul/ Aug 2020): Shelter in place safely lifted + Global health system improvements underway to prevent/ reduce the impact of the next wave of such a virus
    Phase 4 (Aug 2020 - Dec 2020/ beyond): Everyone starts going back to work, economic recovery begins

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    Hey! Such an awesome idea and I will be following it from time to time to gain an idea on the progress that is being made against Covid :) Thank you!

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      Thanks ! Hoping that I can show the positive developments in and around the world that are happening with the fight against COVID.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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