What we've learned after our first successful launch💡⁣

You might be looking for a business idea for years, but it is important to understand that in most cases - the original idea is not worth anything. You can copy almost anything today, and in many cases, it will take only a few days. And most importantly, it's normal! ⁣

I've made an article on the launch of our product, the App for Slack for quick approvals Approveit Today (https://hackernoon.com/how-we-made-a-slack-app-in-11-days-5o193ez1).⁣

Here's a little sequel: ⁣

  1. After we became #3 Product of the Day at Product Hunt, our product idea got copied in 7 days.
  2. The guys who copied us already made apps for Slack, and the copy came out more advanced than the original (but with the same functionality).
  3. Slack featured their product on the home page of their marketplace.
  4. Now, competitors are getting organic installs while we are actively communicating with users and working to increase the value of the product - and it is the imposed competition that motivates us to move faster.

    The conclusion is simple - in startups, two things are most important - speed and flexibility. The winner is not the one who came up with the best product, but the one who was able to create and convey value to the end-user quickly. The original idea can change many times, and the most valuable thing is people.

    That's how we live :)
posted to Icon for group Growth
on November 22, 2020
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