Whats awful about my site?

My site is Rentround.com and I'd be interested to know how people feel about the landing page. I'm be keen on understanding, what would put you off using the site and secondly is it clear on what the site does?

FYI - Its a UK based site and not sure the word "letting agent" is used around the globe, its the same as a rental agent or property manager.

Looking forward to the most brutal responses!

posted to Icon for group Landing Page Feedback
Landing Page Feedback
on June 2, 2020
  1. 1

    Hey @RentRound - nice design :D No big red flag actually

    Except for one thing, unsure why there's a loading icon when I first landing this site, can improving the landing speed?

    I'm currently designing a Notion site, would be awesome to hear your ideas too!

    1. 1

      Hi, it's because we used the revolution slider tool for the landing pages, makes them really easier customisable. But there are loading issues so it's on my radar to remove them

  2. 1

    Here's a supershort video teardown https://youtu.be/LCweR7VTJNo

    • The messaging is clear but the audience isn't . I understand you're trying to help find people realtors/letting agents but is it for people buying......or people purchasing?
      Use the H1/h2 to address this

    • Your call to actions are quite basic for example, instead of search you could say "find letting agents" - it's a little bit more custom and gives a better idea of the result from the action of clicking

    • Your main features are explained but the design can be tightened up/tidied.

    • If you have testimonials, you can - if you want also use a "nofollow" if you don't want to give them SEO juice

    1. 1

      Mate! Amazing feedback and thanks for creating the video! Your feedback is very useful. I'll be implementing the feedback for sure!!!

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