What's the best way to get started with building web 3 products?

I want to dedicate part of my 2022 efforts to exploring Web 3.

There is so much noise and hype these days.

Anyone with knowledge or experience: what do you think is the best (and the easiest) way to get started with building web 3 products?

posted to Icon for group Product Development
Product Development
on January 2, 2022
  1. 22

    Simple, build something in web 1.0, then call it web3, and then wait for the hype to blow over.

    1. 1

      Haha 😅

      This article had pretty funny insights too: https://networked.substack.com/p/web3-i-have-my-daots

      #3: Most product ideas for web3 have preexisting counterparts that already work pretty well

      #4: Core features of crypto and web3 aren’t actually desirable to most people

      1. 2

        #69 The only real life practical application after ten years of development is paying for ransomware attacks.

  2. 8

    if you're a developer I recommend https://buildspace.so/ too

  3. 7

    CryptoZombies is the easiest place to start learning about smart contracts I think https://cryptozombies.io/
    Also you have smart contracts here https://openzeppelin.com/contracts/

    On a general note, if you want to build in web3, think about which things that would benefit from cutting out the middle man and so would actually benefit from being decentralised.

    1. 2

      This is a great tutorial. Really helps you with solidity.

    2. 2

      Very helpful, thanks!

  4. 5

    Not sure how solid but I was recommended Web3 University: https://www.web3.university

    1. 1

      Second time hearing about it, will def check it out :)

  5. 4

    The best way to learn is hands-on experience. Just outlining how I would do it if I were to re-learn it:

    • Learn Smart Contracts and how they work
    • Create a Smart Contract (simple contracts e.g. Lottery, Voting System, etc). You can do these on TestNets so it would be free of charge.

    After creating a simple smart contract

    • Create any Javascript UI project, and integrate with the Smart Contract using MetaMask or any other Web3 Wallet.

    Have fun! :)

    1. 1

      Find order in chaos. Thanks for this!

  6. 3

    https://buildspace.so/ is absolutely incredible, I think. Helpful discord community, and easy to follow courses. Doesn't hurt to sign up and try one, and most have rewards (or at least they did when I completed them)

    1. 1

      It doesn't really teach you, rather holding your hands without proper explanations what is going on under the hood for a lot of stuff (particularly in Rust). But it is probably one of the best resources as of now so seconded.

  7. 2

    If you're interested building with no code - arguably the easiest way to get started - I'm working on a bootcamp at the moment with a few others that's kicking off later this month that might be of interest


    But if you're looking for something free / at your own pace then buildspace.so as many others have mentioned is a great resource.

  8. 2

    1 - Find something that is a problem or is something useful to society.
    2- See if a decentralised solution is required to solve that problem.
    3- If yes and If young learn and build it.
    4- If older then get young folks to built it for you. Find them on fiver or upwork.
    5- Tres Commas ;)

  9. 2

    Hey rmondo,

    If you want to learn how to code - try free courses on Solidity & Rust on Questbook (https://www.questbook.app/)

    If you want to understand the whole ecosystem - try a16z crypto startup school (https://a16z.com/crypto-startup-school/)

    If you want to learn how different web3 projects has been built directly from the builders - try web3 talks podcast (https://anchor.fm/mac-budkowski)

    Disclaimer: the web3 talks podcast is run by me :)

  10. 2

    I found the following youtube channel pretty good so far: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0xL8V6NzzFcwzHCgB8orQ

  11. 2

    IPFS (ipfs.io) is the first thing that comes to my mind from Web3.

    It's kind of distributed file hosting and pretty interesting and easy to try out e.g. https://docs.ipfs.io/how-to/command-line-quick-start/#prerequisites

    I haven't dug into crypto or smart contract stuff but apparently Web3 is kind of buzzword that can nowadays include almost anything.

    Do you have some specific area or use case in mind you want to explore?

    1. 1

      Totally agreed that it's kind of buzzword that can nowadays include almost anything.

      The art distribution space has been inspiring. I want work on a similar project but for content creators, especially written text/content.

      Have you started with anything Web3 yet?

      1. 1

        This article describes pretty well my view from Web3. A very good one!

        There's lots of promises, ideas and hype but also lots of unsolved issues and nothing really practical stuff yet… (IPFS is also quite much work in progress...)

  12. 2


    thirdweb is working on making the whole space a lot simpler:

    1. 1

      Whoa, great ones indeed

  13. 2

    I used https://cryptozombies.io to fast learn a bit of Solidity.
    Moralis has a lot of great tutorials.

  14. 1

    Found this one the other day, seems appropiate / good recopilation of web3 resources https://useweb3.xyz

  15. 1

    I have recently found this course: https://defi-learning.org/ it's free and from some top universities, I think it would give you good fundamentals and give you ideas of what is possible.

  16. 1

    This https://www.odysseydao.com/ helped me gain a general understanding of the space. Hope you find it useful.

  17. 1

    I thought this was a really good intro to the tech and what the stack looks like and they how interact with each other for web3 apps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHTcrmhskto

  18. 1

    I'm starting to learn about web3 and found this book https://github.com/ethereumbook/ethereumbook . Is written by one of the creators of ethereum. Its very comprehensive but it also dives into solidity. I think its a great resource

  19. 1

    Their is a great handons tutorialnon freecodecamp, you should definitely check it out. Here is the link

  20. 1

    nader dabit published this just yesterday, a curated list of materials to get started in web3 development

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