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When ideas come faster than execution.

I am currently working on a web app but recently an itch to create something new suddenly appear.
And now here I am again confused whether (a) to pause the development of the main app so that I could scratch the itch of the new app, (b) to hold on for that idea until I finished the main one, or (c) to develop both things in parallel.

I think "a" would have the biggest motivational boost but anxiety about the main app might creep-in later. "b" would be the most rational approach but might slowly drain my motivation for ignoring an itch. And (c) is highly prone to burnout.

Just wondering what would be your approach for such situation?

posted to Icon for group Self Care
Self Care
on May 27, 2020
  1. 1

    I found two formula:

    • Only take on projects that will last less than the time it takes to get a new idea.
    • Forbid yourself from implementing any new idea until your current one is acceptably completed, of course metrics needs to be defined before starting a new idea. It has the outcome to give a break on jumping into a new idea a bit too fast.

    Either work, they both have their pro on cons, I currently follow the 2nd formula because I don't want to build something unambitious. I have been suffering from this 'too many ideas' syndrome for over 2 years now.

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