Why I'm launching 25 products in 25 weeks (My crazy challenge) 🚀

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Product Development
on June 25, 2022
  1. 2

    I think its 3 down, 22 more to go? :)

    Wish you success!

  2. 2

    Interesting. I kind of like it as an exercise of your deep creative mind, in a sense maybe at the end you will see a general pattern emerging that will direct your work towards the One. By the way, I am a firm believer in the power of the One (direction/path/idea/ app/biz, you name it). The only other such experiment I looked at was by Pieter Levels (12 projects in 12 months); it turned out most of them were connected somewhat to digital nomadism, so not surprisingly that was the path he took, and the rest was the history.

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      Yes, I think there will be recurring themes in my ideas, and my goal is to figure out the few products that people will actually want to pay money for.

      Let's see 🤞

  3. 2

    I'll follow!

    Good luck and have fun!

  4. 2

    That's a very interesting challenge. I happen to just published a article sharing about how I build and run multiple products at the same time here:


    but the difference here is that I am taking a slower approach, and I don't give up product easily. would like to know what you think

    1. 1

      Love your approach, I think you are on the right track.

      In my case I'm not going to build anything elaborate, instead I am going to try to launch and sell the idea, and build something only if it has traction.
      I can always come back to the abandoned ideas at the end of the year and see if I can iterate and improve them.

      This is a way to put all the ideas from my mind out into the world and see what sticks..

  5. 2

    Best of luck on this challenge! What was your process for coming up with ideas?

    1. 1

      Thanks a lot.
      Coming up with ideas is mostly looking around at what people share on Twitter/IH/Reddit etc.
      I pretty active on Twitter, so chat with many people in DMs, and some questions repeat themselves, so some ideas are from there.
      Let's see how it goes 🤞

  6. 2

    This is crazy - I built 1 app in 30 days and that was hard enough.

    Good luck! I'll be watching your journey!

  7. 2

    Nice! What have you learned about yourself in this process?

    While I've never done something THIS intense, I have done some pressure cooker-type startup weekend competitions. It's so cool to see how people navigate these challenges and hone their "super powers." I learned that I actually enjoy validating a product by talking to users.

    1. 1

      Nice, I've just launched 1 project so far. But I realized that I push myself more if I'm in a "challenge" situation and working against the clock 😅

  8. 2

    I did 25 apps in 1 year back in 2011/2012. Basically, 1 week of getting it to work, 1 week of getting it published. It's an interesting experience for sure. You will learn a ton.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much, yes the goal is to learn as much as I can in the rest of the year..

  9. 2

    This sounds like an exciting challenge, Ayush!

    But how are you going to handle giving enough time to see if the markets really want a product, considering it's all done within a week?

    For a lot of businesses, it sometimes takes a month to nail the positioning of a product before discarding the project.

    More curious to learn about how you'd approach building one project when you would also have to prep for the upcoming project.

    But it's a very interesting challenge for sure! Good luck to you :)

    1. 1

      Yes Goutham, I've thought about this problem a lot.

      I'm probably going to keep the sales on for a longer period after the week. Also, the goal is to not build until people have already paid money.

      So the first hurdle is actually figuring out the positioning and making it clear on the landing page.

      If it doesn't work then Ill talk to people about what would they prefer and then apply the lessons to the next project.

      The goal is to incrementally learn more about sales and positioning.

  10. 2

    Why are you letting the # of days dictate what you'll do?

    Not critiquing your choice, but I think that in the future, it might be a good idea to try and guide yourself by your internal state, rather than external factors. For eg, if you notice that you're feeling quite energetic this week, try to do more. If you're feeling bad/lethargic the next week, listen to your body and do less.

    Anyway, best of luck with your challenge!

    1. 1

      Yes, I agree.. I'm trying to enforce creative constraints on myself.
      I have a list of 34 ideas right now, ranging from small info products to service based products.
      Every Wednesday I will launch something new, but what I launch will depend on my energy on that day. If I feel energetic, I will launch something complex, if I feel tired, I will launch something simple.
      The goal is to learn as much as I can in the rest of the year and figure out the few projects that people will actually care about and want to pay money for.

      thanks for your wishes 🙏

  11. 2

    I had the same idea a few weeks ago about launching 12 tiny products in 12 weeks. so awesome that you initiate the challenge, looking forward see how it goes. 🤩

    1. 1

      Awesome, thank you..
      Maybe you can join in the last 12 weeks of the year 😅

  12. 2

    Indeed, I tried 31 startups in 31 days. It didn't bode well & just blew up in my hands (every company I've built since 1989 has been cash-flow positive in 90 days or less), largest 40 FTE and 7m in annual revenue. Main reason 31Startups didn't work (for me) was...focus. Good luck though, you will learn a boatload.

    1. 1

      Yes, thanks for sharing, my goal is to learn and then double down on what works. I understand the impossibility of the challenge 😅

  13. 2

    How would you make sure that ur also focusing on quality instead of quantity?

    1. 2

      Yes, quality is the my biggest concern as well. I'm going to have 100% money back guarantee for everything I launch so that my customers never feel cheated.. It will also make me on the hook to maintain quality.

  14. 2

    I think it is an impossible challenge because every week you will have a new project to maintain. But I am curious to see how it goes... Eventually, people end up focusing on the projects that work best. That is what happened to Xavier for example

    1. 1

      Yes, that's sort of my goal as well. I want to figure out the things that people really care about and only focus on them.
      Big fan of Xavier's challenge btw, watched it live on Twitter last year 😅

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