Your first 100 customers give: invaluable feedbacks, great testimonials, brand advocates [summary]

Tim Soulo - Ahref CMO, shared why not charging the first 100 customers is good for your product. Here is a summary:

In 2011, Ahrefs kick-started their success by open free but limited access to their powerful features, along with cheap pricing.

Their first 100 customers give:

  1. Invaluable feedbacks, because they can have unexpected insights to make your product better.
  2. Testimonials or a success story when they get great value from your product. It also helps to improve your sales copy.
  3. Be your first "brand advocates" if you listen to their feedback. When you help to shape a product, wouldn't you feel an affinity for it? Especially when a feature request is implemented

To clear things up, 100 customers mean 100 people use the product regularly. Tim advises not to charge your first 100 customers, because they give valuable impacts on your product early on.

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on August 24, 2020
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