EmbedQuiz is the next generation of "subscribe for free PDF"

Hi IndieHackers! 👋

Today, I'm excited to introduce EmbedQuiz, a free quiz-maker platform I've been working on in the past months!

📧 Email marketing is one of the highest ROI marketing channels out there and is loved by many companies for its simplicity! To make an email campaign successful, first, you need a mailing list.

📮 People's mailboxes are full of spam nowadays and it's hard to convince them, that your newsletter will be better. This is what EmbedQuiz helps you with!

🎉 It's a common solution to give free PDFs to subscribers, but with EmbedQuiz, you can go even further and create a personalized experience while getting deep insights into your audience!

Here is a short example of how to do this👇

1️⃣ Let's say you have a business, that sells a paid course for indie entrepreneurs on how to get started building their first SaaS. This sounds authentic, right?

2️⃣ You know, that your audience will eventually type "How to get users for my SaaS" into Google Search and many of them will stumble across your blog article on SaaS customer acquisition.

3️⃣ Of course, there are tons of ways to acquire a new customer for a SaaS and every business needs to find the matching channel for its niche, so you embed a quiz widget into your blog article with the following title:

"Find out which marketing channel is the right fit for your SaaS!"

4️⃣ The user answers some questions about his project idea and submits his email address to receive a personalized report, tailored to his needs, suggesting marketing strategies for customer acquisition.

🥳 Sounds great right? You've got the email while giving valuable, personalized solutions for a problem!

But there is even more to it...

Now you can use the answers to know more about him, what businesses are subscribed to your mailing list, what are their goals, etc. You can even send custom deals! 😏

But the best thing is...

🎉 Although most quiz-maker platforms limit the number of responses a month to 20-100 even in paid plans, with EmbedQuiz you can receive as many responses as you want for free!

How do I do that? 🧐

It saves all data into your own Google Drive, so I don't have to worry about hosting large databases. This means it's free and you can import answers into any Google Sheets-compatible software! 😎

Right now, my goal is to make EmbedQuiz better each day by adding new features and adjusting existing ones to make it as awesome as possible!

Please share your thoughts in the comments! One of the most valuable things I can wish for in the current stage of my project is feedback! 🙏

, Founder of Icon for EmbedQuiz
on March 1, 2023
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