For the longest time, your account page on Indie Hackers has been somewhat… lacking.
Sure, it tracks the history of your posts and comments on the forum. But is that something you'd show off to anyone? Does it direct people to your businesses? Does it explain who you are, what you do, and where you're at as an indie hacker?
Not really.
So this week I hacked together an MVP to fix this: Indie Hackers Profile Pages.
Your profile page is an entirely new page that represents your career and your portfolio as an indie hacker.
When your friends and family ask what it is you do? Link them to your IH profile. When your audience wants to know what they can buy from you? Link them to your IH profile. When you've built a gazillion different things and can't remember what you've done? Visit your own IH profile.
Of course, if you're an indie hacker, you can build your own profile page from scratch if you want to. But my thinking is that you've got more important things to do, and IH profiles can make this super quick and easy, so you can focus elsewhere.
Anyone with an Indie Hackers account can create one of these pages today, simply by navigating to your own user profile. 👌
Essentially, I'm making a niche website builder.
So far I've focused on making the UI simple, intuitive, and mobile-friendly. There's still some work to go on these fronts, but I think the basic structure is good.
Your profile page consists of sections stacked on top of each other, and you can easily add, delete, and rearrange sections.
Right now, everything is super minimal. I'm truly shipping an MVP. There are currently only two sections you can add: a bio, and a list of your projects.
From here on, I want to ship a ton! I'd mostly like to add new features and sections to make these pages more useful.
Your feedback here would be much appreciated. 🤗 What other sections would like to see?
For example: a section to link your socials, a section to link to feature posts and articles you've written, a section to highlight your best tweets, etc.
There are also some less obvious feature I can add, that leverage the power and size of the IH community. Think social features: an FAQ section built into your page where people can ask you questions, a resume that I can plug into a cofounder matching tool, a directory of IHer profiles to help you all find each other, etc.
There are also the obvious premium features: custom themes, the ability to host this page on your own domain, etc. I'll eventually charge for this kind of stuff, so I can make money and keep IH alive and thriving.
I'd love to hear your feedback and ideas!
It feels so good to be shipping again 🔥