Stopped working on Podboxer

Today I took the decision to stop working on Podboxer and focus on other projects.

Wasn’t an easy decision but had been thinking about whilst on vacation the last couple of weeks. It was good to carve out some time to reflect on what I was doing, what was working and, more importantly, what wasn’t.

My main reasoning is the really slow growth of the subscribers.

I’ve tried a number of ways to find new subscribers but I’ve never found something that got any traction. Cold outreach seemed good and I’d get great positive comments but then they wouldn’t sign up. So, something is off.

It also takes a significant amount of time and effort to pull the newsletters together and that’s time that I could spend on other faster growing opportunities.

It might be a case of rethinking Podboxer and maybe I’m quitting too soon. But I can’t keep working on this and not give the full attention to other things.

So there we are. Finished.

, Founder of Icon for Podboxer
on September 26, 2019
  1. 1

    Hey Paul, I was surprised to see the email in which you ended it, having subscribed just a few weeks ago.

    I see from the milestones this ran for a year, roughly. How much growth did you see? And how much did you expect?

    Would be interested to see the numbers here.

  2. 1

    I quit my current project a few months ago, to work on other things. While working on other things I came up with new ideas for this project. Now I'm back at it again.

    You never really know how things will work out. Good luck as your journey continues.

    1. 1

      Great point. Maybe not thinking about it will open you up to other features for it. They say sometimes you need to take a step back and give things time. Then you come back with "fresh eyes" and might make more progress. This is a good lesson dkb868, thanks!

    2. 1

      Thanks. You’re right, who knows how it will work out. I also made a bunch of great contacts and learnt a lot.

  3. 1

    You'll get it next time.

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