Are there any successful startups that have posted theirgrowth numbers in terms of paying users, google analytics, etc?

Are there any successful startups that have posted their growth numbers in terms of paying users, google analytics, etc?

I'm curious to see an annotated user growth curve alongside some statistics (like google analytics) where we can see the number of DAUs/MAUs, etc along with points of interested in their growth (got on Techcrunch here, sent email blast here, launched PPC campaign here, etc).

, Founder of Icon for Polar
on March 10, 2019
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    This isn't exactly what you are looking for but if you haven't seen before I think you will find it interesting: https://baremetrics.com/open-startups

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    You can find a bunch of those in twitter via #openstartup hashtag: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23openstartup&src=typed_query

    Also, there are some projects where makers logging their progress publically like https://getmakerlog.com/ and https://wip.chat/

    It's interesting and sometimes useful to check them, but I wouldn't focus too much of what other people do. The path to success rarely reproducible just by blindly following what other progress

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    Here is our startup pitch deck which includes some of the information you may be looking for.

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