I've been working hard on my side project roastmylandingpage.com. There have been some highs and some lows in the just the last few days alone.
I have received some of the best feedback on the service yet, but also a negative review on reddit (a take down) that I handled poorly.
I've been running ads on Twitter, Facebook and Reddit to drive bookings. I've been experimenting with lots of audiences and copy. It has been quite hard to track performance as lots of people have visited, bookmarked a page mid-funnel, and later checked out. I might switch from using hotjar to heap.
I reworked the video on my landing page following advice from a fellow indiehacker - shorter, brighter, removed rambling. And I changed the checkout form too.
This morning I woke up to £300 of bookings (6 roasts), which has been a great start to the day.
If I could get to a point of that number daily I would be a very, very happy person.
Thanks so much to all the amazing indiehackers who have supported me on this journey, it's been so insightful and fun. Excited to see where this goes.