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Runnaroo integration (a DuckDuckGo alternative)


Excitingly, I'd like to share that SaaSHub's public API has its first integration - Runnaroo up and running. It's a new privacy orientated search engine. I'd say it's an alternative to Google and a direct competitor of DuckDuckGo.

Now, when you prefix your search on Runnaroo with "related:", the results will be provided by SaaSHub. With this in place, this new search engine can provide better results than both Google and DuckDuckGo. For example, you could check the top related results for "Indie Hackers" https://www.runnaroo.com/search?term=related%3A+indie+hackers.

It is still a very young search engine, yet it is a perfect example of how one can use SaaSHub's API.

, Founder of Icon for SaaSHub
on October 7, 2020
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    Awesome! Thank you Stan. The SaasHub API is intuitive and extremely easy to use.

    In addition to the 'related' utility powered by SaaSHub, some other ones are below:

    ex. https://www.runnaroo.com/search?term=code%3A+Backbone.Collection.extend

    ex. https://www.runnaroo.com/search?term=hn%3A+saashub

    ex. https://www.runnaroo.com/search?term=subdomains%3A+cnn.com

    ex. https://www.runnaroo.com/search?term=alexa%3A+indiehackers.com

    I probably should document these somewhere!

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