WeddingLovely has shut down

Thanks everyone for your support over the years!

, Creator of Icon for WeddingLovely
on May 15, 2019
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    Sorry to hear that, Tracy! It was a blast having you on the podcast way back when. Any idea what's next for you?

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      I'm the Program Manager at TinySeed now! It's a fantastic job and I'm delighted to work with @robwalling and @einarvollset. 🎉

      1. 1

        Oh, I've emailed you for TinySeed-related stuff without realizing it was the same Tracy!

        1. 1

          Hahaha I thought about pointing that out but decided that you'd figure it out. ;) Glad to be able to work with you there!

  2. 1

    Just curious, any reason why this shutdown?

    1. 1

      Wasn't growing fast enough (or at all, for awhile there), distracted me from other, more interesting projects. Not enough brain space available while it was running. Should have shut it down years ago. :)

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