Announcement: CodeShoutout Landing Page is Live!

Hello everyone,

I am excited to announce that the landing page for CodeShoutout is officially live! After weeks of planning, designing, and iterating, I am finally ready to share it with everyone in the community here.

CodeShoutout is a platform dedicated to revolutionizing the code review process. We provide data-driven insights to help engineering teams streamline their workflows, enhance productivity, and ultimately deliver better software more quickly.

This platform is built to address key pain points in the code review process:

  1. Long review times slowing down the development process.
  2. Lack of clear metrics to measure review efficiency.
  3. Unidentified bottlenecks causing workflow issues.
  4. Difficulties in setting and achieving review goals.

The benefits of using CodeShoutout are tangible and immediate:

  1. Improved efficiency of the review process.
  2. Clear metrics to track and improve performance.
  3. Identification and elimination of bottlenecks.
  4. Empowering teams with targeted review goals.

I'm eager to hear your thoughts and feedback. Check out the CodeShoutout landing page and let me know what you think. Your insights will help in making the CodeShoutout experience even better.

Thank you for your support and let's improve our code review efficiency together! 🚀


posted to Icon for group Building in Public
Building in Public
on May 30, 2023
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