Are you looking for a technical cofounder? I could help.

Hi IH,

With all that's going on, I found myself with lots more free time so I was thinking about providing a free, no-obligation 1-hour consultation for anyone who is struggling with finding a technical co-founder / lead, or doesn't know exactly what to do next with their tech.

My idea is centered around providing:

  • some feedback about your search and maybe why it's not working
  • help you with next steps from a technical perspective
  • provide a few guiding points to get you on the right track

There isn't much else I can do in an hour but if anyone may find this helpful, let me know.

We can also start a thread here for others.

--- A few of my credentials

  • Over 20 years of experience
  • Spent the last 7 years working in startups.
  • Raised over $4M in venture funding
  • Former Co-Founder / CTO
  • Former VP of Eng of a company that exited to the tune of $750M.
  • https://www.airwavetech.io

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

posted to Icon for group Looking to Partner Up
Looking to Partner Up
on May 6, 2020
  1. 1

    Hi Tony - that's a nice offer. Ping me: ali@truerev.com

  2. 1

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you all for your emails. Simply based on the collective, here's what I'm gathering.

    • You probably don't need a CTO, but a trusted developer who is committed and willing to bear their share of the load.
    • Just like any solid relationship, you need to vet your partners thoroughly. Ask the hard questions, don't just assume you'll talk, and then all of a sudden you have your app, or website, or product. It doesn't work that way.
    • Do you have exact requirements for the developer(s)?
    • What are your delivery expectations?
    • Have you thought about proper compensation if you do find your technical partner?

    And the kicker here:

    • What are your most critical blockers?

    This post isn't meant to bash anyone, just a brief summary of what I'm noticing. If you are seriously stuck, let me know. Although I can't be your CTO, I think I can help.

    • Tony

    PS I'm doing this for free because:

    • I'm tired of people trying to sell me something that I think should be free
    • what's in it for me is to keep my skills sharp while waiting for my next paying partner.
  3. 1

    Hi Tony,
    It is possible we can work together. We should talk more if you don't mind. Thanks

    1. 1

      Sure, send me an email. It's on my profile.

  4. 1

    Hey, this sounds like a great idea, would love to get in touch with you about it. Shoot me an email at erknews@gmail.com!

    1. 1

      Thanks for your interest. I sent an email.

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