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Landing Page Feedback
on May 2, 2020
  1. 5

    I get it, but maybe the title can be even simpler:
    H1: Streamline your code assessments
    Subheading: Use github to etc..

    1. 2

      Streamline Code Assessments

  2. 3

    copy/paste it into http://www.hemingwayapp.com/
    you'll find lots to work on.

    FYI: Typo... innovative.

    but I'd kill every headline you have. Your subheadlines are much better.

  3. 1

    I get it! Nice design. If you can simplify the text a little bit, would be awesome.

    I'm also improving my site, keen to hear your feedback!

  4. 1

    I understand it.

    Could you share a bit about the situation a person would find themselves in where they would say "surely someone must have thought of a way to do this better?"

    Because I'm sure you could start the page with a description of that crummy situation, so the visitor can say "yes, I feel understood!" and scroll down with enthusiasm.

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