Does the page communicate what the startup does?

Hello all,

I'm working on a employee health benefits solution for startups and medium enterprises. Any product or service related to health and wellness of an employee are included in the platform and they can choose when the organization signs up.

Here's the landing page link: https://knowyourclaim.com/

Let me know if the communication, aesthetics all goes well with the page. TIA.

posted to Icon for group Landing Page Feedback
Landing Page Feedback
on May 2, 2020
  1. 1

    The design of your page is beautiful and on my iPhone, it looks good as well. I'm not familiar with the health insurance that comes with a company because we don't have that in The Netherlands. So if I understood your concept correctly, you would like to give employees the choice of choosing the health insurance organisation instead of the company they work for?

    About your copywriting, there is a difference between communicating with 'We' or communicating with 'You'. When companies only talk about we it's like having a date with a girl who only talks about herself. It's not very attractive... So try changing phrases like

    'Here's how we have unlocked better benefits'
    'Here are the things you will benefit from'

    The blocks of this section were not completely clear to me but I think you get the point. And also, I'm not interested in the way you operate or how you managed to unlock benefits. I'm interested in how you solve my problem. And the better you understand my problem and make that clear in your copywriting the more likely I will become a customer.

    Search and count on your pages for both 'we ' and 'you ' and make sure that after you revised everything the word 'you' has more counts than we!

    1. 1

      That was very detailed review, thanks a lot for that @MrAtiebatie. I'm gonna change the 'we's to 'you' first thing now.

      The concept we are working is: most companies offer insurance to their employees but most of the cases it is plain useless or can't do much with it. We are coming up with a better solution where the employee can make use of the insurance offered by their company in a better way.

  2. 1

    I agree that the copywriting could use a lot of work. "Plan like a boss (ahhhhh we know you are the boss!)" is a major turn-off for me.

    Also, you need to fix your mobile site. It is scaled way too small.

    1. 1

      Thanks for your inputs, will rework on the copy and resolution

  3. 1

    I'm turned off by some of the really informal language. I really love the illustrations.

  4. 1

    It's a pleasure to see such a landing page, looks very neat

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