Good guy, bad guy, sitting on my shoulder

Forget it, nobody's gonna buy it or use it. Why spend more money and time?

But wait, there are people you worked with that had trouble because of the problems you try to solve. And imagine you find 500 of these people in the whole fucking world, it will justify the effort!

But why would people be using this? Looks pointless, stop it now, you are exhausting yourself.

Ah look, I fixed this, it is working, so maybe the idea can kickoff and work, definitely I should push it to production.

How? How can you push to production something all by yourself?? Go in your comfort zone dude!

Ah, but if I don't think about the problem on such a large scale and think of it as a tool it's easier to handle it in my mind...

it's like this every day, what exhausts me the most.

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Self Care
on May 7, 2020
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