Help! Can you use this?

Hey fellow Indie Hackers!

I just launched a product called ProductPage aimed at helping startup founders and product managers to:

  1. Identify the key features customers REALLY want
  2. Keep customers up-to-date with the latest product changes

I would absolutely LOVE some feedback, which you can leave here => https://feedback.productpage.co/feedback PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! 😁

For the Indiehacker community, you can use the promo code "indiehackers" at checkout for 2 months FREE. No credit card required (once you submit the promo it will skip the checkout) Just click on the bottom link under the credit card form.

I would love to hear what you all think! Thanks 😁

posted to Icon for group Landing Page Feedback
Landing Page Feedback
on May 8, 2020
  1. 2

    Looks good. You should have mentioned the link of the main product in your post: https://productpage.co/

    There are a couple of things you could do about the landing page:

    1. On hover, the menu goes dark. It is difficult to read it like this.
    2. Make the heading and subheading a bit big. They are very small.
    3. Make the TRY-IT-FREE a bit bigger. It's too small for a 15inch 1920x desktop screen.
    1. 2

      Wow thanks... super helpful. Yeah, I don't have a bit screen so glad you pointed that out. Will make changes. Thanks again

      1. 1

        No problem! Happy to help. Also, check if my startup https://insteps.io can help you. If it can, I can set you up for free. I'm getting started. 😄

        1. 2

          Very cool. I checked it out. It's a very interesting idea. It would be really beneficial to create a static page with a description of what the product currently does and what features you plan to add down the road :)

          1. 1

            Really liked the idea. I thought as an early-stage startup, I don't need anything other than the signup page. Guess visitors preferred something else.

            I'll be sure to apply these suggestions.

            You wouldn't be interested in this by any chance, would you? I could help you get started if you are. :)

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