Help! It's My *First* MVP Experiment Canvas

Hey Indie Hackers,

I've running my very first MVP Experiment using the MVP Experiment Canvas framework: https://bramkanstein.com/mvpcanvas/.

Here's my initial stab at a canvas: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ce9TnapshyE19D07ibhU5opTNdjsIKhW3NMnx2SbcLI/edit?usp=sharing

I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback about how to run a successful MVP Experiment to validate your ideas.

posted to Icon for group Ideas and Validation
Ideas and Validation
on May 7, 2020
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    Thanks to @jamalx31's post yesterday that introduced me to the MVP experiment in the first place ... https://www.indiehackers.com/post/my-8-yeses-to-get-an-idea-off-the-ground-3353390abe

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      Glad it helped :D
      your canvas looks great. one think I would add is how do yo compare your product to other solutions maybe under value proposition. maybe @bramk you would give us a tip how to include competition in the canvas

      and as I mentioned in this post

      make sure there is no other way to validate your idea before even thinking of building landing page. (if you haven't already) wear the customer hat and go ask developers how the monetize their premium code

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        Awesome, thanks @jamalx31.

        I already made a landing page ... https://premiumjs.com. (Used carrd.co tho, and so it took like 3 hours ... so feel good about that effort) anyway, still a good idea to start asking developers in various platforms too.

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        wow, this looks really good @jones_spencera! You could add "UNLIKE XYZ competitors who only do ABC". But basically you probably already integrated your differentiator in your value prop :D Please let me know how it goes!

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          Thanks for chiming in @bramk! I'll do some thinking and then add a few lines in that direction.

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