My idea is a method to securely authenticate to access and handle digital assets (crypto, trade secrets, digital identity, high-value network f. e: twitch account)
The question is how much would you pay for this service as a customer?
Is it better to sell this as a B2B service for businesses?
Thank you for your answers!
I agree with OT -- the idea is way too vague to to know what I am answering. There are companies who pay for Single Sign In, especially in medical facilities and many-many software providers. There are password services to keep passwords. What is your idea: is it in protocol (better/similar to non-symmetrical encryption), is it psychology (more convenient ways), is it in storage? Every idea may have different ways for monetization which depends on things like access, visibility, etc.
Doesn't this involve putting a lot of trust in this service? (Not to break, not to get hacked, not to be a scam, etc., etc.)
If so, I'd only pay a negative amount to use it.
You have to trust it much less than Android's fingerprint service, and it would not store your biometric data only a hash of your biometric data
Android phones can't even encrypt their file systems, can they? If your phone is lost/stolen/confiscated everything on it can be read by others, as far as I know. No need for your fingerprint or phone password.
Anyway, your description seems pretty vague, but I'd do a simple risk-benefit analysis: What problem of mine does it solve? vs What's the risk? (the owner of the service cleans out my bank account, steals all my secrets, or allows them to be stolen or lost when he abandons the project or has a bug)