How do you counteract negative effects of too much indie hacking?

Just curious to hear how people unwind and reset so that it doesn't feel like such a grind. I feel like I could level up my leisure activities, maybe your idea will be a good inspiration for me!


posted to Icon for group Self Care
Self Care
on March 16, 2023
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    I know some folks are all about pumping apps out in short sprints and seeing what sticks, but for me I’m in it for the long haul.

    I make sure I have a fixed sleep schedule that gets me eight hours per night, I exercise once per day, I carve out an hour each day to focus on music practice which is my hobby, and I try to eat healthy. Finally, I make sure to see friends on the weekend, including doing a weekly social bike ride.

    I think each hour of work ends up being more productive if you’ve already taken care of your physical and mental health. I consider the time I spend on these non-work items to have a high ROI.

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    I like to go hiking and listen to podcasts. I get lots of ideas while hiking as well.

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    I like to go bowling with my friends. Does that make me an old person? 😅

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