How much would you pay for a social platform?

Hi there, I'm working on a social platform for sport enthusiasts, to help meet people with similar sport preferences.

It will be a full-stack web and native application.

Just wanted to ask for how much can I flip this project on a site like flippa or something?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

posted to Icon for group Ideas and Validation
Ideas and Validation
on May 6, 2020
  1. 3

    Without any more details, it's impossible to say.

    It's like saying I have a car that many people like. It has 4 wheels. How much do you think I can get for it?

    How many users are using it? What's the revenue potential or actual revenue?

  2. 1

    Just cancelled my subscription with Freeletics, was paying $60 / 6 months

    I really like it and I think it's worth it, I'm just taking a break and didn't feel like paying for not using it

  3. 1

    It is a starter project, no revenue, no users.

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