I made a site where I'm selling America online. It's called America For Sale

I was always fascinated by America and American Dream. Since I'm not from America I was brainstorming with myself about how I can achieve American Dream.

Selling America in virtual form online seemed like a good way to achieve American Dream. Project is called America For Sale and I plan to sell American land online. On the land that people purchase, they can promote their business, blog, or website by placing a link to their site.

I'd like to get a feedback from you guys, good or bad, your opinion and any questions you may have.

posted to Icon for group Ideas and Validation
Ideas and Validation
on May 1, 2020
  1. 3

    Hi Dario. Your idea is pretty fun. I think a lot of people would want to put something they want on America. But I think your implementation has 2 problems.

    1. It's far from affordable. If I want to buy some pixels and color them I want them to mean something. I don't want to spend 1000$ just to draw a letter. I think you can solve that by breaking the map in more pixels and sell each for 1 dollar . Also maybe make some bundles, 100 pixels with 80% of the prices. This way I can pay something around 300 dollars or less and draw something like a logo or something cool. That's the whole magic.
    2. The website is not optimized. It load slow. It respond slow on clicks. You used a lot of elements. I think the right way of doing this is to make a canvas with pixels and get the x and y of the click and map that to your canvas and this way you will be able to have more pixels and the website will be faster.
      Also FAQ and contact page doesn't work.
      Good luck and keep improving the product.
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      Woooow that's so good feedback, thanks :D

      1. 2

        No problem. Can t wait to see your next work. Keep it up. :)

  2. 2

    Felt it was hard to use, and the pricing is extremely high for a site that will probably only ever get a few hundred hits... ever. I understand the investment side of it, but I could throw 99$ at a some advertising and guarantee at least a few clicks (even if they are probably garbage).

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      This sites https://www.landsoar.com/how-much-does-5-acres-of-land-cost/ says that 1 square mile costs $7 680 000 (if my math is correct), my price is way cheaper

      Why was it hard to use for you?

      1. 2

        Your price is way cheaper in relation to buying land in the US, certainly, but as an advertising investment, with no guarantee of any return, it's quite high IMO. As the old saying goes, half of your advertising budget is wasted, and you don't know which half.

        In terms of it being hard to use felt it was quite cumbersome when selecting a handful of squares, would have been nice to be able to use a select tool to grab multiple squares, or at the very least pick 1 square and have it let me pick an end point to make a square.

        Also, just tried to use the site again, and spent a minute trying to figure out why I couldn't click on any regions (legitimately thought it was broken) failing to realize that I have to toggle over to the "buy land" mode. May be nicer interfacing to allow clicks from the home page and switching the context w/o the additional click.

        One more thing, noticed on the buying page that a few squares weren't available (north of PHs block) but they aren't showing as being secured on the home page.

        Absolutely love that the American Dream is alive and well though, big fan of this place, all things considered :)

  3. 2

    Hi dario. I think the question isn't if it is a bad or a good idea, the first question is does it solve a problem ? , the second which problem does it solve ?
    Now the problem is to acheve the american dream without being an american. The fact is that when someone say i want to leave the american dream what is the american dream for him ? Well for most of my friend The american dream is about to go from rags to riche and to leave in a great house with a swimming pool in california.
    So here is the thing american dream is not only about make it from going the bottom to the top but also to live it in america
    Now does your site really help to solve this problem ? I don't think so because you have to understand how People who are living in america use your website to make their american Dream a reality

    Here what you can do use your site for americans and see how they use it to achieve their american dream, then you could sell it for europeans, africains, asians etc.
    Also if you want to find another way to monetize it here what you could do.
    You could search which entrepreneur website are number 1, you will start by state you then use data to create map and sell data or create a newsletter from it . I know this look stupid but i could tell you that there is People who use data to make niche newsletter and this works well

    (simple reminder :all these answers are not made to put you down, it is only to help you to clarify your path. I hope this would help.)

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      I appreciate your feedback. That's why I posted it here. :)
      There is always some kind of problem to be solved, even tiniest one. I think we have opposing opinions. I don't always build things to solve problems, for example games are not solving real problem, they are here for fun

      1. 2

        I understand your point but i could say that if you build a game it is because the user want to live something fun and you solve his problème by providing a game i know this is always a debate if you need idea or a problem, the only thing that i m sure about is to try and see you're gonna go with your project. i wish you Best

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          Nice feedback. Thanks :)

  4. 1

    I’m sorry if I’m understanding this wrong, but this is basically just a fancy donation button for you to achieve the American dream?

    I don’t see any advertisement value in your site. You would have to spend at least 400$ to even get noticed on the map, and those 400$ would only get you a link to your site... Furthermore, why would people click on the links? There is no images/video/audio to generate interest from the visitor to click on the links.

    This also reminds me of another site http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com/ :)

    Sorry if this came off as rude - it was not the intention.

    1. 1

      No worries. I like different perspective on things. That's why I posted this. I need to sharpen "the why" :)

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