I offer free contact information of YouTubers for free.

Hello, everyone.
I am Kim, a lonely developer in Korea.
I was building a influence marketing website for advertising on youtube. The API that I have built gets contact information of youtubers that results in specific keywords.

Building it is almost complete but I have always doubt myself that this marketing method would not work.
I need proof that this method of contacting youtubers and sending proposals or affiliate links would work, but never had the chance of doing it myself.
( I am too shy....)

So I propose fellow indie hackers to try affiliate marketing. (thy brave)
Comment your website, business and keywords that relate.
I will give you contact information of youtubers with subs over 10000.
Try contacting by Facebook, twitter and Instagram. Try to be human.
Spamming emails will never work in my opinion.
Also try affiliate marketing rather than asking them to do this for free.

I wish I could give this to everyone, but time and quota is limited, so I was planning to give out to 10 participants.

All I want in return is a link of your post about how this all went out.
(Some pictures of email conversation would be nice for all of us.)


posted to Icon for group Looking to Partner Up
Looking to Partner Up
on November 5, 2020
  1. 2

    Hi, this sounds really interesting! Could you please send me details of people who make content related to keywords: 'cloud', 'cloud computing', 'cheapest cloud provider', 'best cloud provider', 'save money on cloud', 'AWS', 'Azure', 'GCP', 'Google Cloud', 'VPS'. Thanks again :) My email is jaro@3cells.io

      1. 1

        Thank you! Will do :)

  2. 1

    This sounds amazing! Could you please send me the details of people who make content related to keywords: 'apple watch' 'gifts' 'families' 'remote' 'minimalism' 'nomad'


    my email is mquinn2489@gmail.com

    1. 1


      Please make a post about how it goes out and comment me.
      Even if it fails, that knowledge could be useful for all of us.
      Good luck.

  3. 1

    I am very interested in what you are offering. What is the best way to contact you? My Instagram is

    1. 1

      are you @dejon_brooks?
      I have messaged you if you are.
      What keywords information do you want?
      I am willing to give you up to 10.

  4. 1

    Sounds like a good fit Kim - let's chat: t.me/growthboost

    1. 1

      Sorry, I don't know telegram. Do you have instagram or any other methods?
      What website do you have, and what keyword information would you like?
      If you are not comfortable chatting here, just give me any other contacts.

      1. 1

        Twitter: b2b_gold - if you'd like to chat about marketing this product.


        • b2b sales
        • b2b prospecting
  5. 1

    Hey Kim, sounds interesting... let's connect for a chat.

    1. 1

      Can you reply me a link of your website and 10 keywords that you would like?
      Timeline could be a bit odd from Korea and all other countries, so I think live chat could not be available.

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