Is it worth it to create a Product Hunt "Upcoming" page?

Hi everyone! I made a few launches in ProductHunt in the past, but I never managed to get even close to the top of the day. I believe one of the main reasons was because I was launching without an existent audience.
When I finish a project I get too excited and I want to share it with the world, but in doing so I failed to obtain large early traction.

This time I am planing to do it differently, I created an upcoming page and I plan to share updates and build the project in public, hoping for an audience before the launch.

I'd like to know about your experiences using this service and if you have any tips you'd like to share.

posted to Icon for group Growth
on May 9, 2020
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    Hey Mariano ! I think we are the same. Once you are in MVP stage or have something to show you just want to put it out there !

    Have you tried it already ? I'm thinking on doing the same, and I think PH has a Basic tier with no cost (with very limited updates tho)

    I'll do the same for our app https://www.kokito.app and report back :)

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    Hey Mariano, I've never used this service from PH, but I'd avoid using any paid acquisition for as long as possible. And I'd consider this paid if you are paying any sort of subscription fee for the service (after the free trial expires.) I'd read around the posts here and see other means of getting the product out there, and leaning into your network of people you know first. Good luck!

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