Landing page feedback (idea, message, etc)

Hello, awesome people! I'm building a safe and supportive community for practicing negotiation skills. Would love your feedback on the idea, and how it's conveyed on the landing page. https://omnigrow.landen.co/ Thank you so much!

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Landing Page Feedback
on May 6, 2020
  1. 1

    Hi Yuli! Here are my tips from copy perspective:

    1. Very unclear what it is you're selling. As a conscious human being, I don't need to be sold on practicing my negotiation skills. I need to be sold on using whatever it is you're selling. Give me screenshots, process outline, instructions, price. A community could mean 100 different things: real meetings? a forum? some sort of marketplace?

    2. A few grammatical errors: archieve (2x), talk to (a) real person

    3. Way too little information. Simplicity is key, but this page feels gutted of information. Under each tick box, you should add 1-2 paragraphs explaining what you mean

    4. Headlines "Help others" or "Learn key tactics" are not very descriptive. Turn then into "Participate in 15-minute mutual feedback video calls" and "Improve your negotiations skills by roleplaying situations with friends."

    Hope this helps!

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    I'd highlight the cta button (get early access) somehow, because it has the same color as everything else on first screen

    Maybe something like this https://prnt.sc/sbpe1u (I chosen random color, just to show the idea)

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      Thanks a lot, Victor!

  3. 1

    Hey Yuli, it was pretty easy to understand what your product is overall. What I think you can explain a bit more is how your product really works. You mention "the necessary tools" but what exactly are they and how will they help me? What will be special about the videos? Will they be done by experts? Is the whole approach grounded in science or some popular or proven methodology?

    It would also be great to see some pricing. Keep in mind, pricing also anchors your value. If visitors don't know how much it'll cost they might have a hard time gauging the value subconsciously. If you set it to say $150, you immediately position yourself as premium (which you will then have to deliver of course).

    For your main value proposition you could maybe get a bit more into the "why". What will I get from better negotiation skills? A better job? Higher salary? Cheaper used car? Those things sound a lot more attractive than the abstract idea of negotiation skills.

    Lastly, a non-specific "signup for early access" is not that attractive. How about signing up to an email list with valuable insights that you will send out every week? Then once your product is ready you can redirect people to that from your email list.

    1. 1

      Felix, thank you so much for the thorough and valuable feedback!

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