LIVE: HackerNews experiment


Submit a blog post I worked on for 2 weeks to HackerNews and document here in real-time whats happening and my learnings.

[12:45 CEST] Link submitted https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23101572
[12:46 CEST] Waiting for a reaction...



posted to Icon for group Growth
on May 7, 2020
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    [13:32 CEST] The post got flagged. What the hell that means?

    * [flagged] Why explore a blockchain programming career? (web3.coach)
    1 point by lukaslukac 47 minutes ago | hide | past | web | un-favorite | edit | delete
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      [13:41 CEST] Contacted moderators asking why is it flagged. I spent 2 weeks on the blog post. It's not a clickbait, I got good feedback on the content before I posted it, the grammar was revised. Hm... waiting.

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        Still no response. Well, this was a complete failure. Once I figure why, I will write down the learnings.

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    Damn. Can't edit my post. Will use comments.

    [12:46 CEST] About to share the HackerNews link to a telegram group with my ex-trivago colleagues and friends but the link doesn't work.

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      Ehm... didn't share yet. Testing the link https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23101572 in an incognito window doesn't show anything. Wtf? Maybe it needs to get approved first?

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