Looking for a b2b marketing guru for a content writing company!

Hi! I'm in the very beginning stages of creating a content writing business, content-hackers.com (check it out!). I just started making the website a few days ago. I'm looking for someone who wants to partner up and brainstorm ways to make such a company unique, ways to market it to businesses, ways to structure the business, etc. I'm pretty new to all of this, but I have a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of ideas. I just want someone with innovative ideas and a good mindset. Hit me up!

posted to Icon for group Looking to Partner Up
Looking to Partner Up
on May 6, 2020
  1. 1

    Unfortunately I can't help with marketing but FYI words are getting broken up on your site on mobile Alt Text

    1. 2

      Hey! Yes I know, I haven't optimized for mobile. D:

      1. 2

        I see you're using squarespace

        I have built https://versoly.com/ and every template is optimised for mobile. The sites load extremely fast.

        We have taken a lot of customers from them :)

        If you get a chance try us out, you can build the same site in under 30 minutes!

      2. 1

        I totally sympathize. I feel like 90% of indie hacking is keeping as many plates spinning as possible.

  2. 1

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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