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Need Idea Validation : Typing SQL scripts for data analysis or retrieval is Hard

Hi guys,

I recently worked in a database support team where I had to dig deep into the db by executing multiple/lengthy/nested SQL select statements to find the root cause of the issue or for analysing the data.

So I started creating a simple tool which allows us just to connect our db to the tool and then instead of typing those SQL scripts, once could just click the table/tables and the record/records that he needs to view and they get displayed. You can even display customized views of those tables for a better/different perspective of the analysis. Moreover that data can be also used for analysing the business.
Need your suggestion guys on the idea.
Thank you

on October 6, 2022
  1. 1

    Is your idea for a tool a way to graphically browse and explore database tables? If so, does this tool look like what you're planning to build - https://dbeaver.io/?

    If not, how is your tool different than DBeaver?

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