πŸš€ New landing page - Can you tell what my app does? πŸ€”

Hi! I'll keep it short and simple.


Three questions:

  1. How would you describe what MeetFriends.app is?
  2. What stops you from trying the app?
  3. Do you have any other feedback?

πŸ™ Thank you for your time! Really appreciate it.


Feel free to comment with your page and I'll review it, as soon as I have time.

posted to Icon for group Landing Page Feedback
Landing Page Feedback
on May 6, 2020
  1. 2

    How would you describe what MeetFriends.app is?
    A reminder app to keep in touch with friends and not forget their birthdays.

    What stops you from trying the app?
    I'd only use it for the birthdays. I have so many birthdays in my calendar that I don't care about. But I'm not sure if I need another app for that.

    Do you have any other feedback?
    Address more pain points on your page. The birthday feature would have gotten on me more when it addressed my pain. "Do you often forgot your friends birthdays?". Uhm yes (shame)... It's the emotion you want to speak to.

    1. 1

      I'd only use it for the birthdays. I have so many birthdays in my calendar that I don't care about. But I'm not sure if I need another app for that.

      I have the same issue. What I like is that it only reminds me about the birthdays of the added contacts. The calendar or FB shows all birthdays and it's simply overwhelming me.

      It also shows the people, where I don't have the birthday saved. So I can take action and edit my contacts.

      What do I need to change to make you use the birthday feature?

      1. 2

        I'm too lazy to put all the birthdays in my contacts of my iPhone haha. If you can synchronize that between Facebook and the iOS contacts app, would be awesome.

        So I think I'd be hooked if I can synchronize the birthdays of the most important people I care about, with my iOS contacts app. Then I can remove the Facebook birthdays from my calendar app.

        1. 2

          I understand and thanks for this useful feedback. I'm noting down the onboarding friction.

          FB disabled the calendar export and you can now only do it with scraping.

          My guide for now.


          1. Think who the most important people that you care about are.
          2. Add them in the app.
          3. Export FB birthdays via chrome extensions or look up on FB.
          4. Enjoy FB independence for your most important birthdays.

          There's two chrome extensions to export FB birthdays. I tried both now and they work. Make sure to have your FB in English.

          For ICS:

          For CSV:

          You can import the CSV to iCloud Contacts. This is not perfect as your FB friends have different profile names etc.

          In the end you also have to choose who "the most important people I care about" are. So my personal advice is to do this first. For most this is equal to Dunbar numbers of friends like 5, 10, 35, 100 (150 total).

          There's two ways to do this in the app.

          • You go through contacts and select an interval with one tap so you can do a batch of 25 super fast. Do this daily when you have 3 mins. After some batches it's done even with a big contact book.
          • Search and pick. This works well for closest people as there's not as many.

          Then open up the CSV or ICS for all added people without birthdays. For some you have the birthday in your contacts already. Find their name in the CSV or ICS file. You can view this also in a text editor.

          Sounds like work, but back then I had the same issue. It didn't take me as much time and I love the focused birthdays now. I will work hard to make this easier. If you start with 10-50 people it will take a couple of minutes.

  2. 2

    How would you describe what MeetFriends.app is?
    An app that reminds me to get in touch with friends

    What stops you from trying the app?
    I usually stay in touch with very close friends regularly so it's not very problematic.

    Do you have any other feedback?
    I guess it's baked into the name but have you considered not just "friends"? How about ex-colleagues, mentors, business contacts, sales leads, etc.? (Of course, this would change your product a lot, so take with a pinch of salt!)

    1. 1

      Thank you Logicalicy.

      I will change the name. Got this feedback from many.

      Technically, you can use it for any phone contacts that you want to be reminded of regularly. My focus for now is anything with personal relationships as opposed to professional relationships. So colleagues, family members etc. can be part of it.

      I think there might be niches for professional relationships as well. But the problems and intentions are different and you need to differentiate yourself from all other solutions. I don't want to make a bad UX for personal relationships by including more professional minded features. But I am considering a separate app for this.

  3. 2

    This is honestly pretty good.

    I could see people using this type of app.

    If I where you I would start to think about erasing more or the text.
    All of the stuff that you've put in doesn't feel absolutely necessary.
    Take away some stuff and just focus on what truly matters.

    Footer, could be done a bit nicer in terms of design.

    1. 1

      Thanks for your time Ryden.

      I could see people using this type of app.

      Do you consider using it?

      I agree on the text. I will do this later with A/B tests. For now it's back to the product.

      I had a navbar with just my logo and removed it as it felt like clutter, but I will rethink it.

      I want to separate the sections and footer visually later.

  4. 1

    Excellent job. I love the concept. However, "Meetfriends" does not convey well since it appears to be a way to improve the existing relationships. one has.

    Maybe change the name to something else and please make it a platform for business too. A way to see what customers have not been touched in a while.

    1. 2

      Thanks for the feedback Todd.

      Have you tried any other business oriented apps for professional networking or CRMs? There's many things in the field so what would stop you to use them?

      I already changed the name actually. It's amicu.app now.

      1. 1

        Your welcome.

        Yes, I have tried CRMs. However, for a small business, most are clunky. It may just be me, but what I would love is a reminder for professional networks of when to reach out to people again. Your app prompted the idea.

        For example, "It has been 3 months since you contacted Bob Smith. Ask him how his vacation was."

        1. 1

          You could try https://uphabit.com/ for business / professional networks.

          If you just want repeating reminders for business contacts you already can do this with my app. But there's no other business features.

          I might consider the professional aspect in the future, but for now I still have more work to improve the product for the personal space. I want to focus to get one thing right instead of many things mediocre.

  5. 1

    Hi Kai! I'm a little conflicted. Here are my answers:

    1. A "relationship checkbox" app for sh*tty friends.
    2. I have to acknowledge I'm a sh*tty friend who can't even keep in touch with the ones he cares about.
    3. Great landing page and copy. Truly. But the product itself brings a slightly totalitarian tone into (likely) decaying relationships. Like, if I need a reminder to call you from time to time, we probably don't have much going on between us anyway. I can live without the templated "hey how are you?" just fine.

    I dunno. Wouldn't be too surprised if people used this. And I hope you succeed. But I like to keep my relationships human, and this is kind of the opposite of that.

  6. 2

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

    1. 1

      Thank you Palevsky.

      1. KeepFriends.

      Nice idea. Will research it.

      1. How it handles communication in different platforms

      This is tricky. For most of those there's no API so it's hard to automate currently. There's a screen where you can super quickly add multiple people that you were in touch with today and mark them.

      Some people only track actually meeting people or calling not chatting to make it more quality focused and mindful. In this case it's much easier as you don't track it and save time. In my opinion, there's also the potential to feel in touch by writing a quick message "Hi how is it going?", but that's not super meaningful, if it doesn't lead to a conversation.

      • Can you maintain a personal relationship just by messaging?
      • What are benefits of tracking also messages and comments?

      If you want to track every chat / interaction:

      • Manually mark contacts afterwards
      • Use the app to open e.g. WhatsApp (I plan to make a setting so it automatically marks a person in touch, if you open e.g. WhatsApp)
      • Daily / Weekly reflection via the mark multiple people in touch screen

      I'm aware of this issue and will brainstorm further ideas to improve the UX of this.

      1. Testimonials.

      Will come soon. I have 2 out of three from real users. I don't want to fake them.

      1. 2

        This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

        1. 1

          Awesome! Any feedback or questions are welcome here or at kai@meetfriends.app

  7. 2

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

    1. 1

      Thank you for your time Gshock.

      Yes, I learned too late that the name is problematic.

      I will have to change this it's just quite some work from changing domains, to logos, branding etc. But I better do it sooner than later.

      • Are you 100% happy with UpHabit and if not why?
      • Do you use it for work / professional networking or personal relationships?
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