Our GPT Web App Generator has been used to make over 13k full-stack apps since launch!

From a simple description (1-3 sentences) it builds a React + NodeJS + Postgres/Prisma full-stack app for you. It's built with the OpenAI API and the Wasp framework using a number of steps to Plan, Execute, Debug, and Fix the code. Read above to learn more about how it's built.

submitted this link to Icon for group Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
on September 29, 2023
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    Really interesting approach- have you thought about pricing yet? Defining the Wasp compiler as the product was likely a great decision.

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      we're going to keep the generator free for the time being. Because we're able to use GPT-4 for the planning step, which basically defines the wasp file (from which Wasp compiles the app into its parts), and GPT-3.5 for the coding of pages and functions, we can generate apps for a very low price ($0.10-0.20)!

      We're seeing how we can use this tool to improve Wasp itself, and then move on to pricing.

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    I know it should be the minimum, but the amazing thing is the apps actually run 🏃‍♀️

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