Should I use Wix or Squarespace for my website?

Hi all,

I am using landen.co for my landing page right now and I'm quite happy about it.

However now I want to make a simple website with a nice front and enabling to post blog content and offer a service.

How do you guys do it? I feel like coding it myself is a little much, especially if I want to post blogs on it.

I have looked into Wix and Squarespace but really not getting too enthousiastic about the templates on the platforms. Am I missing something since I see so many guys here with awesome looking websites.

posted to Icon for group Landing Page Feedback
Landing Page Feedback
on May 6, 2020
  1. 4

    I use and love Ghost for rosie.land. I bought a template (there are free ones) and it's all been a breeze.

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    Uhm, as far as I can remember you can build a full featured website with a blog using Landen.

    1. 1

      Yea I saw it was in beta so I figured landen might just be best for landing pages and build my "full website" somewhere else. Have you tried using the blog features?

      1. 1

        I tried it a year ago when it first launched so I can’t say how it is today, but Landen founder @Felixg is here so maybe he can answer your question about the beta status 🙂

    2. 1

      You're right! @martijnnanne Landen does have a simple blogging feature.

  3. 2

    Ghost. Here's a fool-proof tutorial on how to set it up (by @stephsmith).

    1. 1

      Sorry for hijacking the thread a bit. I've been looking into Ghost as well but got the impression that it was very pricey. Did I end up at the wrong page? haha

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        Quoting the article:

        Ghost also provides server support should you choose, which you can easily opt into with Ghost Premium. It’s simple and can be set up quickly, but costs $29/month for the most basic plan and as far as I know, most other features in Ghost Premium are available in the non-premium option, including integrations, code injection, and themes. The main differentiator is the lack of server set-up.

        1. 1

          Amazing, thanks for taking the time to answer! Will for sure look into this.

    2. 1

      Thanks for sharing!!

    3. 1

      Thanks for the reference!

  4. 1

    I really like Squarespace - for everything But blogging. I dont know anything about code, so I'm mostly using WordPress with Elementor as it has similar design functionalities to Squarespace but a lot better blog panel. :)

  5. 1

    I built DesignJoy.co using Webflow, so I'm a huge fan of it. There is literally no greater tool on the market. And its CMS features will allow you to build just about any blog you can imagine, all with absolutely no code. Yes, there is a learning curve, but if you have 20-30 minutes to invest in watching their amazing tutorials, you'll be up and running in no time, and you'll honestly never want to use anything else ever again.

    1. 1

      Wow your website looks absolutely awesome! I'm definately going to check it out.

  6. 1

    It depends on what you want to build. Wordpress has the most freedom - many templates to choose from, plugins for everything, and access to code to modify anything you want. Here is an example of a Wordpress site: https://benasdigital.com/

    I use Squarespace for something simpler, as my own personal website/business card. I don't build any "real" sites and see Squarsapce as a quick way to have something simple and elegant done. Here is an example: https://benasleo.com/

    I don't recommend Wix - it has a bad rep for SEO and my own experience was crappy.

    1. 1

      Hmm yea I also felt Wix was a little crappy. Thank you for sharing!

  7. 1

    Why is that a closed question? I'd go for Webflow. Did a landing page the other day with it it was an amazing experience!

    1. 1

      Hmm looked into it though it seemed like somewhat of a learning curve. What was your experience?

      1. 1

        I found it easy to grasp and by selecting a free template, it gave me a quick start. It's like Macromedia Dreamweaver on steroids 🔥

  8. 1

    not entirely no-code tools, but also handy for quick web building

    1. 1

      Thanks for the reference!

  9. 1

    I would.

    There's a time and place for custom coding a website and what you're describing can be done very quickly on a website builder like Wix or Squarespace— though it may depend slightly on what you mean by "offer a service."

    For what it's worth I run Site Builder Report (https://www.sitebuilderreport.com/best-website-builder) where I review website builders and I recommend Squarespace over Wix. I'd also suggest looking at Carrd and Webflow.

    1. 1

      Thank you! I think I'm also going to take a look at webflow

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    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

    1. 1

      Make sales but also start doing content marketing using blogs. So it's not really a landing page but more my main website.

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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