They say timing is everything.

Can you tell what is this about? : https://airtab.co/

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Landing Page Feedback
on April 29, 2020
  1. 3

    Let's chat! I have an idea that goes much further than just the platform such as offering marketing plan/ promoting your customer's courses. Creating an audience for Airtab and get blogs with valuable content written from your customers for their customers, that are subscribed with you, from your audience.

    1. 1

      I'll keep you posted on the progress and email you for collaboration.

  2. 3

    The page looks pretty good. The messaging is pretty clear and the images give a good sense of the product. What's missing is what makes this different from other solutions. So if you can work n some differentiator, that would be good.

    1. 2

      Thanks for feedback @SeanKirby .
      Good point. This is definitely something we are exploring. We'll update the page soon.

  3. 2

    Looks cool! I think it's straight to the point and on first impression you can understand what it's about.

    The one point that's not really clear is whether the live stream is done in your platform or I would have to use Zoom, Skype or similar to do the actual live stream.

    A part from that it's good!

    1. 2

      not really clear is whether the live stream is done in your platform

      I second this, it'd be good to know how it does the live stream.

      1. 1

        Thanks for the feedback @glynnforrest
        We'll add that detail to make it more clear. Cheers!

    2. 1

      Thanks for your response @guimcaballero!
      Point noted. We’ll add that detail.
      For the starter, we are thinking of building it on top of Zoom.

  4. 1

    Great simple and nice idea!

    It's a platform to host premium virtual events right? @fire2030

    I'm also working on my site, keen to know your feedback!

  5. 1

    An events based live video system.

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