Validating an idea: Please roast my landing page

Hey 👋

I am trying something new. Before I start building my product I am trying to see if there is any interest. In order to do so, I need a solid, well-designed landing page that explains my idea effectively.

I would really appreciate feedback on my landing page design & how well I get the idea across.

Take a look: https://talktomeabout.xyz
One specifically for Indie Hackers: https://talktomeabout.xyz/indie-hacking

Cheers ✌

posted to Icon for group Landing Page Feedback
Landing Page Feedback
on May 6, 2020
  1. 2

    I love that you're doing something like this before building the app!

    That is why we are building Konvo, a way to have a 1:1 conversations...

    Yes but how? is it a webapp? mobile app? video conference? audio only?

    or to watch other people do the same.

    That's a whole different concept, now i'm engaging passively. Maybe it needs it's own bulletpoint/section

    I like the topics, but you need to give more "juicy" details about "topics"...for example I click software develeopment...what's a good topic within soft.dev. that you can show case on the page? Try to hook me up!
    Anyway I've added your page to our watch-list. Hope you don't mind?

    We're going to break it down during our LIVE product design session >> https://www.indiehackers.com/post/announcement-product-design-ama-livestream-on-may-12th-0a220ba2fd

    1. 1

      Thanks for the clear and concise feedback - you've made some good points. And sure, you can add Konvo to your watch-list 👍

  2. 2

    I would skip the gif/video to the top right.

    It's a bit weird that it's going left/right, if you would have that it should just go in one direction all the time so that you see that there's a timeline.
    Now I first thought it was just going back and forward around 2 things, but then saw that it was describing more things.

    Would be better to have all that in one column scrolling down?

    In regards to the product, why only 5 min? If I would talk about something I love with another person that has the same interested I would like to talk for ages ... 😅

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    I think your page looks nice and it is easy to understand the concept. I liked the indie hacker version more, but I guess that's not much of a surprise.

  4. 1

    Super cute! Keen to join the movement @hessel

    Excited to pitch my idea on your platform, when are you expect to launch?

  5. 1

    I like that you are creating more targeted versions of the page for specific audiences like indie hackers. That's a great way to make it more relevant.

    I don't really get what the problem is that you're trying to solve, though. I never really thought of having a conversation as difficult, unless it involves giving bad news. But maybe I'm just not the right audience.

    The headline doesn't really help with that either. It doesn't really tell me anything. What about short conversations? Why should I bother reading on to try and find out? What's the benefit?

    Hope that helps.

  6. 1

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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